From passive income to appreciation, stable cash flow, tax advantages and leverage, investing in property is widely regarded as a dependable means to build wealth, which is why it’s become a bit of a national obsession. But finding the right property to tick the boxes and having a solid understanding of the intricacies of property investment is where many fall short. To help you navigate these, we’ve created this guide to choosing the right investment property. Step 1 – Get a handle on your finances The first step in any investment is getting a clear picture of your budget. When it comes to property, this means understanding how much you require for a deposit (or any equity held in an existing property) and being realistic about your capacity to borrow factoring is some interest rate rises. This allows you to hone in on suitable properties from the outset rather than being swept up in attractive but possibly unaffordable investment. Step 2 – Understand your goals Are you looking to make a quick buck by flipping a property, chasing rental yield or playing the long-term capital gain game? It’s essential to understand your goals so you can choose a property that aligns with them. Here’s a snapshot of the most common property investment strategies and what they deliver: Capital growth – capital growth generally happens when demand exceeds supply. This usually occurs in established areas with great amenities and often comes with a hefty property investment price tag. Buying in a desirable area typically means the rent you’ll get from your investment property won’t cover your ownership costs, making this a longer-term investment strategy. Rental yield – a property with good yield will leave you with cash in hand once all the related expenses have been paid. Properties with strong rental yields are often found in places like university towns where high demand for rentals exists, but purchase prices remain relatively steady. Flipping – also known as wholesale real estate investing or residential redevelopment, flipping a property can easily be a full-time job! It involves either purchasing a home to renovate or change cosmetically (and reselling within a short time for profit) or choosing a home in a rapidly appreciating market and reselling with minimal investment. While large sums of money can be made this way, you’ll need to be aware of your tax obligations. Step 3 – Assess the risks Investments of any kind come with a degree of risk, so getting well-versed in the specific risks associated with property investment and considering whether you sit on the conservative or thrill-seeker end of the spectrum is essential. The general rule of thumb is that the higher the expected return, the higher the risk; without any risk, there’s often very little reward. The main risks to consider are: Interest rate changes – interest rates fluctuate, so plan for several scenarios. Interest rate rises need not be a deterrent, as long as you get your finances right from the get-go. Market fluctuations – as with interest rates, the property market can change overnight. Think about what this means for your investment strategy. Overcapitalisation – if you plan to renovate, ensure you have a firm plan and stick to a budget. If you spend too much, you could risk reducing your profit or even losing money. Lack of liquidity – it’s hard to convert property into cash, which makes it an illiquid investment. The risk is that if you’re forced to sell the property (for whatever reason), you might have to do so at a price you wouldn’t usually accept. Tenancy troubles – from longer than expected vacancy periods to property damage, being a landlord isn’t always a bed of roses. Make sure you can cope with whatever comes your way and definitely consider employing a First National Real Estate property manager. Step 4 – Narrow it down You’ve got your finances sorted and a solid understanding of your goals, so now it’s time for the fun part – house hunting. Here are 4 crucial factors to add to your checklist: Location, location, location – it’s a real estate cliché that’s wheeled out repeatedly, and for good reason. Location is one of the key ingredients in projected capital growth, as is choosing a location that’s pegged for future growth. Good indicators of this are steady population growth and increasing investment in local infrastructure. Additionally, factors like proximity to essential amenities like public transport, schools, medical practices, shops and restaurants will not only impact the value of your property but make it more appealing to tenants – securing vital rental returns. Know your type – consider your potential tenants or future home buyers and what they want in a home. Looking to attract young families? A bath might be a deal breaker, and a decent outdoor space. Does the area have an older population? Loads of stairs and high-maintenance gardens might be a turn-off. Look to demand and yield – for each property that pops up in your search, ensure you understand what it would look like from a yield perspective. Find out vacancy rates in the area and factor any downtime between tenants into the equation. Condition counts – is the property rental ready, or will you need to put money into getting it up to the required standard? Make sure you factor in the costs of repairs and the lost rental income. Also, it’s essential to account for ongoing maintenance costs based on the condition and age of the property. Will fittings and fixtures need replacing in the near future? Will the roof need replacing in a few years? Remember, there are also tax considerations based on the depreciation of your asset. Enlist an expert Getting it right with property investment takes a lot of homework, knowledge and experience, which is why having an expert in your corner is invaluable. Once you’ve understood the basics in this guide, a professional will provide support and guidance throughout your journey and work with you to find a property that ticks all the boxes. From accountants to property developers to lawyers, mortgage brokers and real estate agents, a wealth of resources is available to tap into. First National Real Estate has over 30 offices in New Zealand– that’s a lot of team members and a lot of knowledge! Contact us today to see how we can assist you on your property investment journey. DISCLAIMER The following advice is of a general nature only and intended as a broad guide. The advice should not be regarded as legal, financial or real estate advice. You should make your own inquiries and obtain independent professional advice tailored to your specific circumstances before making any legal, financial or real estate decisions. Click here for full Terms of Use.

While we don’t have a crystal ball, we do know where investments and approvals are planned or projected and where population growth is predicted to soar. This gives us a good indication of growth corridors across the country and potential investment hot spots that are well worth keeping an eye on in 2023. Here, we look at what determines a growth corridor, what sort of return on investment you can expect, and most importantly, where to find potential pots of gold.

What constitutes a growth corridor?
Growth corridors are areas that are shaped and supported by government development plans and strategies. The focus is set firmly on putting critical infrastructure, integrated land use and transport in place to formulate a robust, carefully considered, and well-planned future community.

Growth corridors and equity
Growth corridors aren’t created overnight, and much of the local and state government investment in infrastructure and amenities are staggered over time. This means bundles of equity aren’t typically realised in the short term. For this reason, growth is appreciated over a longer period, making them an excellent investment for first-home buyers. Housing is comparatively affordable – particularly in the early stages.

Where to find pockets pegged for growth
From lifestyle-related migration to population profiles and planned government investment, there are many reasons particular suburbs and regions are marked for potential growth. Here, we take a closer look at where to find them this February and beyond.

Whangarei, New Zealand – one of the fastest-growing districts in New Zealand – with an 18% population growth in the five years to 2018, a 57% increase in house prices over the last ten years and an almost 40% increase in household income across the same period – the Whangarei District Council has developed a Sustainable Futures Growth Strategy. This sets out to address infrastructure needs to sustain growth, housing options, protection of the natural environment and key projects to drive economic growth. With growth predicted to continue well into the future – due to significant internal migration driven by comparatively affordable housing, employment opportunities and a desirable lifestyle – it’s a solid option for capitalising on future potential.

Waipā District, New Zealand – located in the Waikato region, south of Hamilton, Waipā has long been drawing new residents from Hamilton and Auckland thanks to a surging dairy industry that underpins the region’s economy. Significant subdivisions, a new Waikato Expressway, and a $126.8m capital works programme are all planned to keep up with predicted population growth as detailed in the Waipā District Council Long Term Plan.

Secure your future gains today
Whether you’re looking locally, nationally or internationally, there are always pockets of potential that are ripe for future realisation. Properties located in areas earmarked for investment injected with infrastructure, amenities, and integrated land use – even with rising interest rates – often provide upfront affordability and an investment that will appreciate over time. And remember, to look into and research suburbs on the fringe of each growth corridor, you might snap up a good buy, keeping in mind this property buy doesn’t need to be your forever home – but could provide you with future equity to make bigger property decisions down the track. Contact your local First National Real Estate salesperson to discuss securing your future gains today.

The following advice is of a general nature only and intended as a broad guide. The advice should not be regarded as legal, financial or real estate advice. You should make your own inquiries and obtain independent professional advice tailored to your specific circumstances before making any legal, financial or real estate decisions. Click here for full Terms of Use.