690 Gorge Road, Maungaturoto
Take a look at this flat, peaceful lifestyle/grazing block of 1.7579ha (a little over 4 acres), just along the road from Piroa Falls waterfall and swimming hole. This property has a perfectly presented tiny home of 56sqm, set on galvanized steel piles. There are two bedrooms, one at either end of the home, bathroom with large shower, vanity and toilet, and open plan kitchen and lounge at the centre of the home.
Outside is a 25,000L water supply tank, shade house, fruit trees, septic tank drainage and mains power, currently supplied from a builders pole. The property is divided into 4 grazing paddocks, with ample room to start your journey towards veggie growing and self sufficiency, yet not too big to manage.
Priced at $650,000 Contact Gary on 021 902 087 or Debbie on 021 2333 796 today to arrange your private viewing.
If you would like to be added to the TEAM MORRIS exclusive news and new listings newsletter, please email Gary Morris with: “Yes, e-newsletter” in the subject line. gary@fnkaipara.co.nz
Price: $650,000
Land Size: 1.7579ha
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First National Roper and Jones
Dargaville Realty Limited Licensed REAA 2008